Sunday, January 31, 2010

Colores de la Primavera

Colores de la Primavera: the colors of spring - how we love the joyfulness of these!  If you are recycling old clothes this spring, think of adding brightly colored accessories to cheer your look.  Two colors that are on the vanguard for spring are turquoise blue and of course, bright green.  I love the numinous quality of light through waxy new leaves.  Today I am featuring new earrings with this color quality in stone and glass.

Spring is coming, yes, she is!  And you have my permission (as if you needed it) to prepare for her with great gusto. What will you do to color your life?

Don't be afraid to splash color around yourself: accessories, flowers, even your walls.  It can be as simple as tucking a sprig of hyacinth into your buttonhole, or as dramatic as painting a whole wall your favorite color (paint is relatively cheap). Color has the ability to renew the spirit.  And what better time to renew than spring?


  1. these are lovely--and yes, they make me think of spring on this cold, cold morning!

  2. These look like lime candies! Really pretty!

  3. Absolutely love the colors! Love love love! heheh

  4. Mary, I am so glad you had a moment of spring, looking at the greens! Spring will come; thank goodness! Enough of this cold!

  5. Beth and Emily Ann,

    Glad to hear from you! Thanks!


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